Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Off beat

the more you go into the search of self, the more you realise that it is like going into the atom. First you end up making concrete assumptions and then you end up breaking them, till you get a deeper understanding. However, just when you think that you have everything figured out, something entirely out of the blue strikes and then the same process begins again.

With the atom it was the discovery of subsequent models of Rutherford, Bohr, Quantum related, Boson et cetera. For the mind, there was the philosophical model of the Anima, Spirit-God,the era of pure mechanism, the era of unconscious and conscious, behaviourism-cognitivism and now the accumulative wealth of all of these models adding up to a small part of understanding.

These theories should link up at some level, like the nature of reality itself has something to tell us about the mind and visa versa. At the end of the tunnel, I expect some sort of entanglement of the observer and the observed, both effecting each other equally.

Physics can get the answers to the "what is it" and philosophy to the "why it is so". 

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