Thursday, 8 January 2015

Why did the muslim men attack the french magazine ?

It seems strange. Not that strange well if one were to consider all the attacks that have been going on anyways around the world by radicalised Jihadis, that another one would eventually take place.

What is strange however is that these attacks were undertaken by men who were raised in France and received its bountiful public assistance and were infact the citizens of a country that is perhaps the most disinterested in religion! ( At least officially) 

They were not mutilated as children, their homes weren't destroyed by conquering forces and neither did they witness a pogrom against their community. Then why in the world would they go on a killing spree?

The answer is befuddling. Their was no reason on the surface. But perhaps, if we were to look a bit deeper into the lake of muddles... we would our own face. 


This society is based on consumerism and globalisation. Twin arms that emanated out of the business houses after the Second world war ended and some way had to be found to keep on selling goods to people. 

Edward Bernays ( was the nephew of Freud, the very same Psycho analyst who inserted sex into everything. Bernays however did learn something very useful from him. He learnt that people were driven by unconcious desires and that this unconcious can be played with to acheive any result. 

The result that he looked for was the selling of products. It was a simple game after he made people think that the product would make the person more desirable, less hated or simply more happy. 

What was different in this from the previous advertisements that there was no need to show the usefulness of the products being advertised. Feeling Good  became the sole utility of shopping. 

Sadly, those who couldn't buy were potrayed as loosers. The values, ideas and skills of a person fell flat before money. The cultural ideal was the rich white man who kept on buying and buying and buying. Nazis  used the same idea for a very different reason and were successful in their holocaust. But consumerism was better, it was sneakier. Playing with the mass psychology was done in such a subtle and powerful form that no one could gather what was happeneing to them, while the attitudes of the people changed for the industry desired one. 

BUT.....what has this to do with the Radicalised, modern, Rational muslims shooting down people in centre of France. What it has to do with them is that they couldn't fit into this culture. They despised the extreme unhappiness that it caused them and they also despised the fact that the entire process is hollow and draining. 

Living for the sake of products and working for creating the products to earn money for buying more of products. That seems like a receipie for a spiritual and religious collapse. Another thing, religion doesn't always happen to be a delusion. It is a legitimate force of biology as much as sex drive is and would express itself in one form or the other if the people aren't allowed to practise it. 

What happens in France like society is that a vacuous hole  is left in the individuals where the benign teachings of a sane religion should have been. The frustation of living in a nazi inspired culture and not having the proper avenues to gather the love, understanding, compassion aspects of their religon, they were ensnared by the hideous form of quasi religion that was set up by vested interests. I am talking about the Jihadis ofcourse. 

                                                              The final solution

No, it's not in obiliteration of any community. The final solution is in realising the fact that we are living a strange life. We are consuming in plates made half way across the world by virtual slave labourers because we are too lazy to do our dishes. 

We have been hypnotised by the advertisements that can now set the social norm. This norm incidentally also doesn't allow us to reach our maximum potential of creativity that we could have. We can't think. As a society, our thinking prowess has been limited to the 10 seconds of the advertisement that is displayed on the TV screens.... for an animal almost, consumara defecta the latest evolution of the homo sapien. 

The solution is to shun the life of excess and start connecting on a real level with the people around us. People spend 150 billion each year on booze and cigarettes in EU and US alone. That despite the fact that both of these aren't good for health.10 Billion is what is needed to give clean water and sanitation to everyone aroudn the world. (BTW US citizens spend 17 billion on pet food).

Isn't it almost like the scene in Matrix, where you are Neo and I am Morpheus offering you the red and the blue capsule? If you are really happy living in the carefully crafted virtual world, then bbye. 
IF you want the red capsule, if you want to wake up, then read on!

How can we wake up ?
(next blog)

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